
Announcing technology partnership with Trust Stamp to deliver highly secure, AI-powered in-field authentication for seamless human-machine interaction.

TrustStamp and Scurid Technical Partnership On December 28, 2023, in Copenhagen, Denmark, Scurid and Trust Stamp announced a partnership. Trust Stamp, a leader in AI-driven identity services, has partnered with Scurid, an innovator in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions. This collaboration focuses on enabling seamless human authentication with IoT devices in the field, while enhancing the level of security, reducing the complexity of authentication, and improving data trustworthiness. Scurid's users and developer-friendly platform connects IoT devices and applications, facilitating quick and secure implementation of autonomous IoT systems.
Sushant Pandey
Dec 28, 2023

Scurid and Microsoft for Startup

Introduction Scurid Inc. is a software technology Startup enabling IIoT and autonomous edge system’s identity security at a highly distributed scale. We’re working towards the mission to accelerate the adoption of secure autonomous systems with trust.
Sushant Pandey
Jan 25, 2022

Securing solar energy data

Solar farm ## Harnessing the Sun: The Evolution of Solar Energy Since the French physicist A.E. Becquerel’s initial work around the discovery of the photovoltaic effect at the
Sushant Pandey
Apr 14, 2021

Future with Decentralized Identity.

Future with DID ## The Seamless Journey: A Day in the Life of DID Integration You are running late for work. You scramble up in the morning, get out of your apartment with the bare essentials, get to the garage and then in your car, turn on the car with your smartphone — your DID get authenticated. The car starts, you are off to work, and since you would be later than usual, you are expecting a bigger than usual traffic at the parking lot of your office premises. You arrive almost an hour later and see that the lot is beaming with activity. A short wait at the entrance, you flash your phone at the garage reader — your DID wallet gets scanned and you are allowed into the garage. Although late, you are not concerned about finding an empty space. You drive up to your spot, it appears to be blocked, but the blockade automatically gets removed the moment your registration number is scanned by a camera, installed right next to the parking spot which enables you to securely park in that specific spot, meant for your car. You quickly grab your stuff, head up to the entrance of the building, and again, need only to have your DID wallet scanned to get access to the office area. Right from the very beginning, all you needed to be mindful of was, not to forget to take your phone with you.
Sushant Pandey
Feb 23, 2021

An established platform for your IoT devices and data. Ready for production.

With Scurid’s easy-to-use API-based platform for hardware, sensors, and applications we want to enable the adoption of secure autonomous systems. Scurid is already trusted in production, helping our users achieve a faster and safer go-to-market.

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