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Company and Culture
Career Launch - How I am learning and combining my research into a globally scalable product.
Roshan Singh ## The Backstory I began my first job and an enriching journey with Scurid Inc. The path-breaking initiatives at Scurid align well with

Sep 23, 2023
Company and Culture
Jeffrey Zhao Thrives on Small and Mighty - Engineering optics to the software for global IoT.
Jeff Zhao ## From Ottawa to Tokyo: A Tech Enthusiast's Odyssey Hey there! I'm Jeff Zhao, the newest face at Scurid. From the snowy landscapes of Ottawa to the bustling streets of

Sep 23, 2023
Company and Culture
Internship at Scurid
As an IIoT tech startup in the software space, people are the biggest asset. To celebrate the contributions of our first intern, we asked Shreya Jadhav about her work experience with the Scurid team. Over the past year, Shreya has helped us to build our first MVP, which resulted in our first ever Closed Beta release and in the acquisition of our first customer. ## Q: Hi Shreya! How are you doing!? How is it today in Tokyo? Are classes for today over? Shreya: Hey ! I’m doing well, just finished my 3rd year of university and I’m super excited about that. It’s extremely humid in Tokyo right now…..but the rainy season is going to arrive soon! Yep...yep my classes for this year finished a few days ago actually, only one last laboratory presentation left tomorrow.

Aug 30, 2021
An established platform for your IoT devices and data. Ready for production.
With Scurid’s easy-to-use API-based platform for hardware, sensors, and applications we want to enable the adoption of secure autonomous systems. Scurid is already trusted in production, helping our users achieve a faster and safer go-to-market.
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